Story-Driven AI

Story-Driven AI

Discover how to produce a cohesive, narrative-driven portfolio using AI-generated art with ChatGPT and Midjourney V5.

As I first started using Midjourney, one challenge I faced was creating a consistent narrative for my collection. Over time, I’ve developed a robust framework using GPT-4 and Midjourney V5 to build a narrative-driven collection. Once such narrative could be Climate Action.

Let’s explore the three steps involved.

Step 1 - Establish structure

Begin with a general concept for your collection. It doesn’t need to be specific yet, but should capture the overall theme you have in mind. For instance, I wanted to focus on language and climate action. To build context in the chat, I asked GPT-4 for prompts based on a broad idea.

My starter prompt:

As an AI image artist, you're crafting a series **around ecological destruction and climate action** that incorporates common literary phrases into photorealistic everyday settings. Suggest phrases to use, e.g., 'tip of the iceberg', 'canary in the coal mine'.

This now shapes your vision with a rough but robust structure.

Step 2 - Let GPT-4 generate the prompts

With the rough structure in place, introduce your specific idea and have GPT-4 generate prompts for Midjourney. The main issue is that directly inputting these prompts into Midjourney often yields results that don’t match the original idea. It’s essential to dissect, edit, and refine the prompts before proceeding.

Expand on a few prompts and use them in the next step. Request multiple versions to facilitate editing the final prompt.

Step 3 - Refine prompts for Midjourney V5

Break down the prompts into the following components: [Subject] + [Background/Foreground] + [Description] + [Image Configuration].

Here’s an example, generated by ChatGPT:

Create a striking, photorealistic image of a canary perched on a withered branch, symbolizing the fragility of ecosystems amidst ecological destruction. In the background, a dense, polluted cityscape with smog-filled skies and factories belching smoke looms ominously. In the foreground, a pristine forest landscape juxtaposed against the city, with lush greenery, clear rivers, and abundant wildlife.

[Subject]: Create a striking, photorealistic image of a canary perched on a withered branch,
[Details of subject]: symbolizing the fragility of ecosystems amidst ecological destruction.
[Background/Foreground]: In the background, a dense, polluted cityscape with smog-filled skies and factories belching smoke looms ominously. In the foreground, a pristine forest landscape juxtaposed against the city, with lush greenery, clear rivers, and abundant wildlife.
[Description]: Symbolizes the fragility of ecosystems amidst ecological destruction
[Image Configuration] Wide-angle shot with dramatic lighting that emphasizes the contrast between nature and industrialization

To achieve a consistent narrative collection, maintain some of these components. This approach also helps streamline the details, enabling Midjourney to produce the desired image.

The complete ChatGPT prompt to use:

As an AI image artist, you’re crafting a around environmental decay and climate action that incorporates common literary phrases into photorealistic everyday settings. Suggest phrases to use, e.g., ’tip of the iceberg’, ‘canary in the coal mine’.

Start with the title of the prompt. on a new line, the short prompts should consist of the following parts: [SUBJECT] + [BACKGROUND] + [FOREGROUND] + [DESCRIPTION] + [IMAGECONFIGURATION] Close the prompts adding " –c 8 –s 750 –ar 16:9 –v 5" at the end.

Here is an example of me doing that for one of the prompts:

Create an impactful, photorealistic image of a colossal iceberg gradually melting away, its enormous submerged section symbolizing the concealed and extensive repercussions of climate change. In the background, a stark polar landscape reveals the harsh reality of retreating glaciers, dwindling ice shelves, and displaced wildlife struggling to adapt to their altered habitat. As the ice recedes, the chilling remnants of human activity, such as plastic debris and abandoned research equipment, emerge from the depths, further illustrating the far-reaching consequences of our actions. The sky above is tinged with warm hues, casting an ominous glow on the frigid scene, alluding to the relentless increase in global temperatures.
In the foreground, a dedicated and diverse team of scientists, activists, and local community members join forces, united in their mission to understand, document, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Their expressions convey a mix of determination, concern, and hope, as they use cutting-edge technology and traditional knowledge to confront the challenges ahead.
Use a wide-angle shot to capture the urgency of the situation, emphasizing the critical need for global cooperation, scientific advancement, and grassroots activism in the face of an ever-changing and increasingly inhospitable environment. The composition should evoke a sense of urgency and emphasize the importance of immediate climate action, inspiring viewers to reflect on the consequences of inaction and the need for a united response.

Example results to use in Midjourney

Type ‘continue’ to create more results

Tipping Point of the Forest [SUBJECT] A devastated forest suffering from deforestation and drought [BACKGROUND] Fallen, dead trees and barren, cracked earth, signifying the loss of a once-thriving ecosystem [FOREGROUND] A small, melting iceberg, symbolizing the interconnected nature of global climate issues and the unseen effects of environmental destruction [DESCRIPTION] The stark contrast between the lifeless forest and the melting iceberg, underscoring the dire need for urgent climate action [IMAGECONFIGURATION] A low-angle shot capturing the desolation of the forest and the iceberg's precarious position, inspiring viewers to consider the urgent need for change --ar 16:9 --v 5
Last Drop of Hope [SUBJECT] A drought-stricken landscape with cracked earth and wilted vegetation [BACKGROUND] A dried-up riverbed, symbolizing the scarcity of water resources due to climate change [FOREGROUND] A single droplet of water falling onto the parched ground, representing the vital importance of every effort in mitigating environmental decay [DESCRIPTION] The interplay between the desolate backdrop and the solitary droplet of water, highlighting the urgency of climate action and the power of collective responsibility [IMAGECONFIGURATION] A high-contrast, wide-angle shot emphasizing the vulnerability of the environment and the significance of each contribution to the fight against climate change --ar 16:9 --v 5
Winds of Change [SUBJECT] A landscape transitioning from a polluted industrial area to a cleaner, more sustainable environment
[BACKGROUND] Smokestacks and factories spewing pollution on one side, giving way to wind turbines and solar panels on the other
[FOREGROUND] A vibrant green leaf gently turning in the wind, symbolizing the opportunity for change and progress in combating environmental decay
[DESCRIPTION] The contrast between the polluting industries and the promise of renewable energy, emphasizing the potential for a brighter, more sustainable future
[IMAGECONFIGURATION] A dynamic split-screen composition showcasing the stark differences between the two scenarios and the pivotal role of innovative solutions in the battle against climate change --ar 16:9 --v 5
Midjourney PromptBase ChatGPT